Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48209
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Aoh Church | 313-843-4339 | 437 S Livernois Ave | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 313-554-3728 | 1450 McKinstry St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 313-849-2920 | 4720 Porter St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Faith Tabernacle Revival Center | 313-841-0205 | 6666 W Fort St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
First Baptist Church SW Detroit | 313-841-4866 | 7642 Gould St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
First Latin American Baptist Church | 313-841-7033 | 6205 W Fort St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Free Pentecostal Holiness Church | 313-842-6830 | 1830 Lawndale St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Greater Apostolic Faith Temple Church | 313-843-3660 | 4735 W Fort St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Greater Prayer Tabernacle | 313-843-4770 | 1516 Lawndale St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
House of Truth | 313-297-9896 | 2607 Central St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Iglesia Metodista Unida El Buen Pastor | 313-843-4170 | 1270 Waterman St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Liberty Freewell Baptist Church | 313-841-1622 | 2415 Wendell St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Military Avenue Church | 313-842-7188 | 6051 Lafayette Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
New Day | 313-554-1990 | 520 S Post St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
New Greater Love Missionary Bapt | 313-554-3920 | 8151 Thaddeus St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Paul the Apostle Lutheran Church | 313-842-7414 | 1721 Springwells St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Pentacostal Temple Baptist Church | 313-554-4071 | 1456 Livernois Ave | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Peter's Rock Missionary Baptist Church | 313-842-6620 | 8676 Dearborn St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Schmidt Gerhard W Rev | 313-841-9140 | 9315 W Fort St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Shiloh Free Will Baptist Church | 313-554-9000 | 2020 Scotten St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Southwest United Presbyterian Ch | 313-841-1144 | 7354 Whittaker St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Springwells Baptist Church | 313-841-1760 | 2135 Springwells St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
St Paul A M E Church | 313-843-8090 | 579 S Rademacher St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
Sweet Communion | 313-849-4829 | 8419 Vanderbilt St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
True Worship Church | 313-554-3917 | 803 S Cottrell St | Detroit | MI | 48209 |
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