Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48211
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Faith Temple Fwc | 313-867-9112 | 9179 Delmar St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Church of Christ | 313-875-8132 | 7825 Cameron St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Eman Institute | 313-571-2920 | 4001 Miller St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Faithway United Ministries | 313-579-1352 | 5047 Chene St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
First Union Baptist Church | 313-571-3043 | 5510 Saint Aubin St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Greater Ephesian Baptist Church | 313-867-3889 | 9403 Oakland St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
House of Mercy Baptist Church | 313-923-6395 | 5203 Saint Aubin St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church | 313-921-0440 | 6729 Strong St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Life Line Christian Center | 313-871-5433 | 8787 Chrysler Dr | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 313-872-4630 | 7432 Oakland St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Nazarene Baptist Church | 313-871-6509 | 901 Melbourne St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
New Mt Olives Apostolic Faith Church | 313-921-0802 | 2676 Hendrie St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
New Saint John Mission Baptist Church | 313-922-0353 | 3901 Miller St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
New Vision Cathedral of Praise | 313-875-6827 | 8552 Cameron St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 313-571-2733 | 6926 Theodore St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Peacemakers International | 313-923-5939 | 5322 Chene St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church | 313-925-4090 | 5139 Chene St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Redeemed Temple | 313-883-4242 | 1117 Westminster St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
Second Ebenezer Church | 313-872-7322 | 2760 E Grand Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
St John Baptist Church | 313-921-1333 | 5924 Moran St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
St John the Great Baptist Church | 313-869-4810 | 9243 Delmar St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
St John's Evangelist Temple of Truth | 313-869-2621 | 9354 Oakland St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 313-571-5432 | 5467 Moran St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
True Church of God of the Apostolic F | 313-925-2007 | 4150 Oliver St | Detroit | MI | 48211 |
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