Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48224
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adonai International Ministry | 313-372-3477 | 11634 Riad St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Blessed Community Baptist Church | 313-417-1956 | 15624 E Warren Ave | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Brammeier Arnold H Rev | 313-882-0254 | 15700 E Warren Ave | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Bride of Christ Church | 313-371-3236 | 12400 Kelly Rd | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Calvin East United Presbyterian Ch | 313-885-4184 | 6125 Cadieux Rd | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Charity Lutheran Church | 313-527-4337 | 17220 Kelly Rd | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 313-882-8547 | 15932 E Warren Ave | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
City of Refuge Church | 313-839-0219 | 18923 McCormick St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Divine Restoration Ministeries | 313-884-5365 | 16392 Harper Ave | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Followers of Christ | 313-371-6549 | 11242 Morang Dr | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Greater Future Missionary Bapt | 313-372-1880 | 10766 Morang Dr | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Greater Mt Zion Baptist Church | 313-839-9842 | 15600 Evanston St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Greater Old Landmark Missionary Bapt | 313-885-2442 | 4289 Lakepointe St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Greater Providence Missionary Bapt | 313-372-7156 | 14631 E Edsel Ford Fwy | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Jamison Temple Missionary Bapt | 313-884-8390 | 14531 Frankfort St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Kingdom Equipping Ministries | 313-642-4536 | 9210 Bedford St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Metro Central Church of Christ | 313-640-9970 | 4455 Barham St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Mt Olive Lutheran Church East | 313-885-0574 | 4444 Radnor St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Muslim Community Center of Detroit | 313-881-2999 | 5307 Marlborough St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
New Life Community Church Elca | 313-371-2600 | 11111 Whittier St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
New Mt Zion Primited Baptist Church | 313-372-1368 | 15239 Linville St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Rhema Church | 313-881-5352 | 4719 Cadieux Rd | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church | 313-371-7319 | 11525 Whittier St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Sisters of St Dominic | 313-343-6685 | 9400 Courville St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Spirit of Christ Ministries | 313-521-9880 | 11421 Whittier St | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
Spirit of Love Missionary Bapt | 313-343-0810 | 15635 Mack Ave | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
True Rock Church | 313-640-4688 | 17500 Chandler Park Dr | Detroit | MI | 48224 |
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