Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Detroit, MI 48238
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Detroit MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha & Omega Missionary Bapt | 313-345-1010 | 2540 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Apostolic Assemblies of Christ | 313-864-4224 | 8425 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Bank's Triumph Missionary Bapt | 313-834-0294 | 4323 W Davison | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Baptist Minister's Conference of D | 313-834-8644 | 12712 Livernois Ave | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Bethlehem Spiritual Church | 313-834-4666 | 13926 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Canaan Baptist Church | 313-869-0288 | 13144 Linwood St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Christ Healing Temple of Faith | 313-341-3067 | 3703 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Christian Faith Missionary Bapt | 313-863-0444 | 8301 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Church of the Living God Christian C | 313-864-3390 | 15390 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Church of the New Covenant Baptis | 313-864-6480 | 3426 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Crews Clarence L Rev | 313-883-0808 | 1831 Ewald Cir | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Detroit City Quartette Union Local | 313-863-3880 | 3222 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Dexter Ave Baptist Church | 313-867-9617 | 13500 Dexter Ave | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Divine Deliverance Church | 313-861-3856 | 15819 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Ebenezer Aposotolic Church | 313-869-7783 | 14118 Rosa Parks Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Family of God Missionary Bapt | 313-863-0044 | 2300 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Family of God Missionary Bapt | 313-341-1332 | 2330 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Flowery Mt Baptist Church | 313-869-3066 | 13603 Linwood St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Garden of Faith Missionary Bapt | 313-834-3253 | 2640 Ewald Cir | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Glass George B Rev | 313-342-4011 | 15003 Fairfield St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Greater New Jerusalem Missionary Bapt | 313-834-0788 | 12837 Dexter Ave | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Greater Quinn A M E Church | 313-867-8380 | 13501 Rosa Parks Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Greater United Temple of Christ | 313-864-4773 | 3131 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Guiding Truth Missionary Bapt | 313-862-4370 | 7701 Chalfonte St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Hamlett Temple Cme Church Llc | 313-834-6598 | 13600 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Hammond Church of God in Christ | 313-861-3360 | 8740 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Henderson Memorial United Methodis | 313-342-4020 | 7520 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
High Praise Cathedral of Faith | 313-491-1222 | 8809 Schoolcraft St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Imani Missionary Baptist | 313-491-2611 | 8106 Fullerton St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
In Good Faith Missionary Bapt | 313-341-0838 | 15516 Greenlawn St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Jaws for Jesus | 313-863-3349 | 15875 James Couzens Fwy | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 313-341-0892 | 10700 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Kingdom of God Ministries | 313-345-4295 | 15926 James Couzens Fwy | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Let's Try God Intl Memorial Temple | 313-865-7410 | 2390 Ewald Cir | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Linwood Church of Christ | 313-868-7795 | 14001 Linwood St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Marks Tabernacle Missionary Bapt | 313-863-8090 | 15757 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 313-869-6676 | 13110 14th St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Midway Baptist Church | 313-864-4024 | 4101 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Missionary Baptist Church The | 313-865-2524 | 1335 Oakman Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church | 313-868-5433 | 13925 Linwood St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 313-863-1080 | 7151 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Beginning Mt Calvary Mission | 313-834-5179 | 8214 Fullerton St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Bethlehem Baptist Church | 313-931-0559 | 3061 Ewald Cir | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Birth Rescue Missionary Bapt | 313-931-1218 | 10140 Schoolcraft St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Foundation Christian Cente | 313-862-0657 | 7759 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Greater Faith Missionary Bapt | 313-342-0233 | 3310 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Life Ministry | 313-345-2034 | 15813 James Couzens Fwy | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Missionary Baptist Church | 313-862-7639 | 3249 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New True Vine Baptist Church | 313-341-2209 | 7125 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
New Way Christian Community Churc | 313-868-6040 | 12735 Rosa Parks Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Newbirth Missionary | 313-935-1647 | 14912 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Northwest Unity Baptist Church | 313-863-8820 | 8343 Ellsworth St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Palestine Missionary Baptist Church | 313-341-7605 | 15787 Wyoming St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Peoples Community Apostolic Churc | 313-864-5206 | 7575 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Prince of Peace Baptist Church | 313-868-0222 | 12650 Linwood St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Puritan Avenue Baptist Church | 313-341-3528 | 2351 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Raphael Tabernacle Church of Chris | 313-862-6179 | 2330 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Sanctuary Missionary Baptist Church | 313-834-5414 | 2610 Ewald Cir | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Sisters of Mercy Madonna | 313-868-3008 | 1151 Oakman Blvd | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
St Galillee Baptist Church | 313-341-1719 | 8100 Chalfonte St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
St Olaf Evangelical Lutheran Church | 313-864-0088 | 15701 James Couzens Fwy | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Temple of God | 313-862-6152 | 2901 Puritan St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 313-863-6121 | 15360 Indiana St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Twelth Street Missionary Bapt | 313-868-2659 | 1840 Midland St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Via Dolorosa Tabernacle Church | 313-864-4620 | 8300 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
Way of the Lord The | 313-340-1181 | 7116 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
White Chapel Missionary Baptist Church | 313-345-4815 | 7315 Fenkell St | Detroit | MI | 48238 |
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