Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hamtramck, MI 48212
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hamtramck MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Full Gospel Worship | 313-366-0874 | 5619 Charles St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church | 313-366-9740 | 12132 Conant St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Bangladesh Hindu | 313-875-2645 | 2376 Grayling St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 313-875-2134 | 3140 Belmont St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Cleansing Springs Missionary | 313-366-7055 | 17950 Charest St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Corinthian Baptist Church | 313-868-7664 | 1725 Caniff St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Good News Christian Church | 313-891-4260 | 13461 Mount Elliott St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Greater Concord Missionary Bapt | 313-891-6800 | 4500 E Davison St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Greater Missionary Baptist Church | 313-365-9711 | 2533 Carpenter St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Green Grove Baptist Church | 313-892-4880 | 2501 E McNichols Rd | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Heavenly Dimensions Church | 313-366-5673 | 11731 Mount Elliott St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church | 313-891-2645 | 13881 Joseph Campau St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Lomax Temple A M E Zion Church | 313-893-1463 | 17441 Dequindre St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Masjidun-Nur Inc | 313-892-5450 | 11311 Mound Rd | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Mt Ararat Baptist Church | 313-891-8624 | 13530 Charest St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Mt Carmel Church of Our Lord Jesus Chri | 313-893-1142 | 2001 E McNichols Rd | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
New Beginning Missionary Bapt | 313-366-0092 | 14210 Arlington St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
New Cosmopolitan Baptist Church | 313-893-6163 | 17131 Saint Aubin St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
New St Luke Missionary Baptisthurch of | 313-365-9355 | 1960 Meade St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
New St Ruth Temple | 313-892-7380 | 13509 Mackay St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Peace Baptist Church | 313-368-2304 | 13450 Goddard St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Perfecting the Saints of God Church | 313-368-8973 | 13803 Newbern St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church | 313-868-8144 | 13651 Dequindre St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Sisters of Ihm | 313-875-0781 | 2975 Evaline St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Southern Christian Church | 313-891-9128 | 4401 E Davison St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
St Peter A M E Zion Church | 313-875-3877 | 3056 Yemans St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
St Peter Progressive Primitive Bapti | 313-893-9094 | 17251 Joseph Campau St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Thankful Baptist Church | 313-365-5519 | 2449 Carpenter St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
True Love Christian Ministries | 313-369-1870 | 17887 Saint Louis St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Victory Christian Center | 313-871-3978 | 5080 Belmont St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Zion Hill Primitive Baptist Church | 313-892-8330 | 2011 E McNichols Rd | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
Zoar Evangelical Lutheran Church | 313-891-5230 | 17820 Joseph Campau St | Hamtramck | MI | 48212 |
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