Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Livonia, MI 48154
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Livonia MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Christian Church | 734-422-1840 | 29575 Wentworth St | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Bell Creek Community Church | 734-425-1174 | 33680 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Chinese Gospel Church | 734-464-7077 | 35301 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Church of Christ | 734-427-8743 | 15431 Merriman Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Evangelical Presbyterian Ch | 734-261-2001 | 29140 Buckingham St | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Faith Bible Church | 734-464-7990 | 34541 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Faith Lutheran Church of Livonia | 734-421-7249 | 30000 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Grace Baptist Church of Livonia | 734-425-6215 | 28440 Lyndon St | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Grace Christian Fellowship | 734-525-6019 | 16751 Middlebelt Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 734-464-0211 | 39020 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Memorial Church of Christ | 734-464-6722 | 35475 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
St Paul's United Presbyterian Ch | 734-422-1470 | 27475 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
St Timothy Presbyterian Church | 734-464-8844 | 16700 Newburgh Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
Unity of Livonia | 734-421-1760 | 28660 5 Mile Rd | Livonia | MI | 48154 |
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