Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Plymouth, MI 48170
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Plymouth MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berg Peter Rev | 734-453-3393 | 1343 Penniman Ave | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Church First Baptist | 734-455-2302 | 45140 N Territorial Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Church of Christ | 734-453-7630 | 9301 N Sheldon Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Church of Christ West | 734-451-1877 | 291 E Spring St | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 734-459-4580 | 7575 N Hix | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Church of the Nazarene of Plymouth | 734-453-1525 | 45801 Ann Arbor Rd W | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Detroit Laestadian Congregation | 734-451-0500 | 290 Fairground St | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
First Baptist Church of Plymouth | 734-455-2300 | 45000 N Territorial Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 734-453-0970 | 1100 W Ann Arbor Trl | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
First Free Will Baptist Church of Plymo | 734-455-5860 | 41233 E Ann Arbor Trl | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
First Presbyterian Church of Plymo | 734-453-6464 | 701 Church St | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
First United Methodist Church | 734-453-5280 | 45201 N Territorial Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo Church of Chris | 734-420-0303 | 41390 Five Mile Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Lake Pointe Bible Church | 734-420-0515 | 42150 Schoolcraft Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Light of the World Christian Churc | 734-354-9149 | 50200 Pine Ct | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Nativity Banquet Center | 734-420-0131 | 39851 Five Mile Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Navigators The | 734-459-0517 | 42321 Ann Arbor Rd E | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Northridge Church | 734-414-7777 | 49555 N Territorial Rd | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Plymouth Baptist Church | 734-453-5534 | 42021 E Ann Arbor Trl | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Risen Christ Lutheran Church | 734-453-5252 | 46250 Ann Arbor Rd W | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
Solid Rock Bible Chruch | 734-455-7711 | 670 Church St | Plymouth | MI | 48170 |
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