Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Romulus, MI 48174
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Romulus MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptisit Church Calvary | 734-941-9236 | 11338 Ozga St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 734-728-1845 | 30055 Ecorse Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Beverly House of God Church | 734-729-6440 | 34156 Beverly Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Calvary Chapel Downriver | 734-955-7206 | 14701 Harrison | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Community Baptist Church of Romul | 734-729-0630 | 6200 4th St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Community United Methodist Churc | 734-941-3474 | 36890 Ferndale St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Community United Methodist Churc | 734-941-0736 | 11160 Olive St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
First Baptist Church of Romulus | 734-941-0225 | 11412 Delano St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Greater New Bethany Cme Church | 734-326-0210 | 35737 Vinewood St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Hope Baptist Church | 734-782-4233 | 30025 King Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 734-729-2460 | 35565 Beverly Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
New Faith Chapel | 734-783-1490 | 19478 Middlebelt Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Parks Memorial A M E Church | 734-941-0771 | 11547 Grover St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
River of Life | 734-941-6019 | 9426 Wayne Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Romulus Church of Christ | 734-722-0454 | 7066 Wayne Course St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Romulus Freewill Baptist Church | 734-941-8810 | 9900 Tobine St | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
Union Grove Baptist Church | 734-721-5052 | 6312 Wayne Rd | Romulus | MI | 48174 |
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