Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wayne, MI 48184
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wayne MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st United Methodist Wayne Westland | 734-721-4801 | 3 Towne Square St | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 734-722-5286 | 36016 W Michigan Ave | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
Church of Christ | 734-721-1057 | 3789 Venoy Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
Church of Our Lord Jesus Miracle T | 734-326-0423 | 31650 Van Born Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
Cornerstone Metro Church | 734-641-9870 | 39390 Michigan Ave | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church | 734-728-8065 | 5039 Woodward St | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
First Baptist Church of Wayne | 734-326-1375 | 35303 Ash St | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
First Baptist Church of Wayne | 734-326-9269 | 35305 Ash St | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
First Baptist Church of Wayne | 734-721-7410 | 36125 Glenwood Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
First Baptist Church of Wayne | 734-721-4737 | 36305 Glenwood Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
New Faith Christian Church | 734-729-5670 | 5455 S Wayne Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 734-728-2180 | 33640 Michigan Ave | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
St Michael Lutheran Church & School | 734-728-1950 | 3003 Hannan Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
West Metro Church of Christ | 734-729-5488 | 34579 John St | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
West Wayne Freewill Baptist Church | 734-728-6266 | 4040 S John Hix Rd | Wayne | MI | 48184 |
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