Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Westland, MI 48185
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Westland MI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Bible Church | 734-425-5585 | 35375 Ann Arbor Trl | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Canton Christian Fellowship | 734-721-9322 | 6500 N Wayne Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latte Dy Snt | 734-459-4570 | Library | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latte Dy Snt | 734-459-4520 | 7575 N Hix Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Fair Haven Baptist Church | 734-728-4549 | 34850 Marquette St | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Joy Baptist Church | 734-425-0466 | 37055 Joy Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Kirk of Our Savior Presbyterian US | 734-728-1088 | 36660 Cherry Hill Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Our Saviour Lutheran Church | 734-427-1490 | 33333 Warren Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 734-367-0865 | 8265 Flamingo St | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church | 734-422-5550 | 32430 Ann Arbor Trl | Westland | MI | 48185 |
St Matthew Lutheran Church & School | 734-425-0260 | 5885 N Venoy Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Swanger Neil Rev | 734-722-6918 | 35341 Marquette St | Westland | MI | 48185 |
Warren Road Free Methodist Churc | 734-458-7301 | 33445 Warren Rd | Westland | MI | 48185 |
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