Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Anoka, MN 55303
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Anoka MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Alliance Church | 763-753-0284 | 3840 197th Ave NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Advent Lutheran Church Elca | 763-421-8990 | 540 E River Rd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Anoka Covenant Church | 763-421-5194 | 752 Grant St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Champlin Community Church | 763-422-0578 | PO Box 192 | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 763-277-5219 | 2742 Yellowstone Blvd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Church of St Stephen | 763-712-8108 | 525 Jackson St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Congregational Church First | 763-421-3375 | 1923 3rd Ave | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Cross of Hope Lutheran Church | 763-753-2057 | 5730 179th Ln NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Elim Baptist Church | 763-421-8124 | 503 Polk St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
First Baptist Church of Anoka | 763-421-5808 | 1235 Park St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Independent Baptist Church of Ramse | 763-421-3050 | 15650 Sunfish Lake Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Elca | 763-427-1100 | 14501 Nowthen Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
New Life Church | 763-421-0166 | 17261 Saint Francis Blvd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
New Life Lutheran Church Elca | 763-753-5717 | 18975 Lake George Blvd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Nowthen Alliance Church | 763-441-1600 | 19653 Nowthen Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Pathways Community Church | 763-753-9221 | 6341 167th Ave NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Solid Rock Free Lutheran Church | 763-433-8610 | 737 Bob Ehlen Dr | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Transformation House Inc | 763-427-7155 | 1410 S Ferry St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 763-421-4656 | 1601 4th Ave | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
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