Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55432
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Christ Fridley Instrum | 763-571-0864 | 501 Mississippi St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Emmanuel Christian Center | 763-784-7777 | 7777 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Fridley Covenant Church | 763-571-1657 | 6390 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Fridley United Methodist Churc | 763-571-1526 | 680 Mississippi St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Global Health Ministries | 763-586-9590 | 7831 Hickory St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Good News Hmong Baptist Church | 763-574-2548 | 1280 Regis Ln NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Grace Lutheran Church & Sl | 763-784-6340 | 460 75th Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
International Ministerial Fel | 763-571-5967 | 1109 Moore Lake Dr E | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Maranatha Free Lutheran Church | 763-717-7364 | 8365 Pierce St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Michael Servetus Unitarian Socie | 763-571-5229 | 6565 Oakley Dr NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 763-786-1706 | 7700 Monroe St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 763-574-7445 | 61 Mississippi St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Woodcrest Baptist Church & Academ | 763-571-6409 | 6875 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
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