Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Minneapolis, MN 55433
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adams Elementary School | 763-506-1600 | 8989 Sycamore St NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-2800 | 2369 109th Ave NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-2700 | 1374 111th Ave NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-7400 | 1313 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-3200 | 1700 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-7900 | 11222 Crooked Lake Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-7920 | 11254 Crooked Lake Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-3700 | 11931 Crooked Lake Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-3500 | 10620 Direct River Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-1000 | 11299 Hanson Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-7100 | 2340 Northdale Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Anoka Hennepin Independent Sch | 763-506-4800 | 11600 Raven St NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Coon Rapids Learning Center | 763-862-9223 | 11294 Robinson Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Independent School Dist No 15 | 763-421-8528 | 2891 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Morning Star Montessori & Atrium | 763-755-7364 | 2121 111th Ln NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
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