Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Anoka, MN 55303
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Anoka MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anoka Coffee Shop | 763-421-9749 | 530 W Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Arby's Restaurants | 763-427-2138 | Round Lk Blvd Hwy | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Billy's Bar & Grill | 763-421-3570 | 214 Jackson St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar | 763-427-9464 | 11580 Theater Dr | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Burger King of Ramsey | 763-433-0546 | 7205 Highway 10 NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Cal's Corner | 763-712-0824 | 1918 1st Ave | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Club 100 | 763-433-2299 | 1922 1st Ave | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Culver's of Anoka | 763-323-6566 | 800 W Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Dairy Queen Brazier | 763-421-8271 | 3511 Round Lake Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Diamonds Sports Bar & Grill | 763-576-1696 | 7550 Highway 10 NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Frisky's Restaurant & Patio | 763-323-1700 | 821 E River Rd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
G 's Cafe | 763-421-0059 | 222 E Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Hardee's | 763-421-1158 | 703 E Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Jackson Street Bar & Grill | 763-323-8083 | 227 Jackson St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Kam Wong's Chow Mein | 763-422-9193 | 3641 Round Lake Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Kings Wok Inc | 763-323-7737 | 650 E Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
McDonalds Anoka | 763-427-8650 | 720 W Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
McDuffs Eatery & Pub | 763-753-2291 | 16659 Saint Francis Blvd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Perkins Family Restaurants & B | 763-421-0160 | Highway 10 & Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Subway Andover | 763-421-1983 | 3631 Round Lake Blvd NW | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Subway Ramsey | 763-427-3035 | 14057 Saint Francis Blvd | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 763-421-0609 | 647 W Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Vineyard Restaurant The | 763-427-0959 | 1125 W Main St | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
Wendys | 763-576-8108 | 480 Industry Ave | Anoka | MN | 55303 |
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