Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55432
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger King | 763-502-6987 | 289 57th Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Fridley Crab House Music Cafe | 763-571-3444 | 6161 Highway 65 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Global Cafe | 763-785-2323 | 8188 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Hometown Buffet | 763-572-9407 | 6540 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Hope's Restaurant | 763-780-1918 | 8200 Highway 65 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Joe Dimaggio's Sports Bar & Grill | 763-571-3417 | 1298 Moore Lake Dr E | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Keys Cafe | 763-785-6004 | 8299 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Kings Restaraunt | 763-571-7256 | 1051 Moore Lake Dr E | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Main Event Restaurant & Bar | 763-502-0056 | 7820 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 763-786-6260 | 8124 Highway 65 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
McDonalds | 763-572-0751 | 244 57th Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
McDonalds Northtown | 763-780-9611 | 8100 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Nicklow's Cafe & Bar | 763-784-8566 | 8466 Highway 65 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Oriental House | 763-571-9700 | 5865 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Perkins Family Restaurants & B | 763-574-1670 | 7520 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Povlitzki's on 65 | 763-784-7110 | 8407 Plaza Blvd NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Subway at Moore Lake | 763-571-1972 | 1091 Moore Lake Dr E | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 763-502-0399 | 7295 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Taste of Thailand II | 763-571-1188 | 7890 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Timber Lodge Steakhouse | 763-780-6323 | 8355 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 763-783-1894 | 7601 Viron Rd | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Wong's Gourmet | 763-574-1889 | 1254 Moore Lake Dr E | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
Zantigo Mexican Restaurant | 763-586-1044 | 255 57th Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55432 |
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