Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55433
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurants | 763-421-0156 | 2820 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Bk Family Restaurant | 763-755-3412 | 11496 Martin St NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Burger King | 763-786-4127 | 8501 Springbrook Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Burger King Coon Rapids | 763-754-1058 | 2025 Northdale Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Culvers | 763-780-9585 | 611 Coon Rapids Boulevar | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Dairy Queen Braziers | 763-427-2230 | 3064 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Dino's Gyros | 763-422-2003 | 3179 Northdale Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
El Loro Mexican Restraunt | 763-754-9065 | 11590 Robinson Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Fuddruckers | 763-780-2909 | 8955 Springbrook Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Grumpies | 763-757-5555 | 2501 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 763-422-6742 | 3220 124th Ave NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Khan's Mongolian Barbeque | 763-767-3018 | 2085 Northdale Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Lindee's Saloon & Eatery | 763-421-4058 | 3395 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Mandarin Buffet | 763-323-3933 | 3390 124th Ave NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 763-786-1089 | 150 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Outback Steakhouse | 763-792-9159 | 8880 Springbrook Dr NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Rose Garden | 763-323-2080 | 2500 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Subway | 763-754-2728 | 2046 Northdale Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Tanners Woodfire Grill | 763-398-1110 | 133 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
Three Sister Asian Cuisine | 763-422-0664 | 3373 Coon Rapids Blvd NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
White Castle | 763-421-0336 | 3465 124th Ave NW | Minneapolis | MN | 55433 |
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