Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55434
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 763-784-8086 | Highway 10 & 47 | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Arby's Restaurants | 763-784-2110 | 619 County Road 10 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Bakers Square Restaurant & Pi | 763-786-5262 | 221 County Road 10 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Be Bop Sports Bar & Grill | 763-754-2424 | 1009 109th Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Burger King | 763-757-2140 | 12309 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Burger King | 763-755-6977 | 10861 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Dairy Queen of Blaine & Spring Lake Par | 763-784-2160 | 8528 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Dynasty Buffet | 763-772-0888 | 12531 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Hankering's All Day Grill | 763-755-2751 | Highway 65 & 242 | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 763-755-0112 | 12499 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 763-755-2660 | 12401 Ulysses St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Northtown Dairy Queen | 763-780-4499 | 557 Northtown Dr NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Perkins Family Restaurants & B | 763-755-9031 | Hwys 242 & 65 | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Quizno's | 763-772-0712 | 12429 Ulysses St NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 763-786-7667 | 8500 Highway 47 | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Steak Escape | 763-780-0251 | 505 Northtown Dr NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 763-757-3889 | 10601 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Susanne's Cafe | 763-757-7761 | 10817 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Taco Bell Long John Silvers #211145 | 763-259-0762 | 4240 Pleasant Ridge Dr NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 763-784-6218 | 291 County Road 10 NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 763-757-8976 | 10729 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Taco John's | 763-786-2689 | 548 Northtown Dr NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Taco John's Twin City Inc | 763-754-3723 | 12497 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Tommy's Cafe | 763-757-5515 | 12052 Central Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
Wing Joint | 763-755-3735 | 10603 University Ave NE | Minneapolis | MN | 55434 |
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