Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Burnsville, MN 55337
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Burnsville MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Albers Greg H Atty | 952-894-8899 | 2605 Cliff Rd E | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Bankruptcy Attorney Joseph L Kelly | 952-894-1144 | 12400 Portland Ave | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Bass & Peck Pllc | 952-224-0182 | 14101 Southcross Dr W | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Business Lawyers The | 952-894-4890 | 201 W Travelers Trl | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Dewalt Deborah N Atty | 952-895-5543 | Cliff Cv | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Emerick Richard A Attorney at Law | 952-894-1778 | 2500 County Road 42 W Ste 190 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Felix Dennis J | 952-894-8380 | 12400 Portland Ave Ste 120 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Happe Dale J Atty | 952-890-5144 | 1805 E 121st St | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Jagow Wayne A Atty | 952-890-2477 | 12940 Harriet Ave S Ste 260 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Jensen Dan Attorney at Law | 952-882-1227 | 501 Highway 13 E Ste 114 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Johnson G Martin Attorney at Law | 952-882-1566 | 12400 Portland Ave Ste 132 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Karl Roxanne R | 952-894-1257 | 2500 County Road 42 W Ste 110 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Meinerts Law Office | 952-736-1843 | 350 W Burnsville Pkwy Ste 625 | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Wasilensky Robert M Law Office | 952-894-3959 | 13603 Grand Ave | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
Whitehead Jori L | 952-707-0041 | 2412 E 117th St | Burnsville | MN | 55337 |
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