Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hastings, MN 55033
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hastings MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Bible Church of Hastings | 651-437-8189 | 314 Vermillion St | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Celebrate Books & Gifts | 651-437-9770 | 11125 Point Douglas Dr S | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Christ's Family Church | 651-437-2340 | 518 2nd St E | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 651-480-8153 | 11900 Manning Ave S | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Faith Information Center | 651-437-9191 | 600 Tyler St | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
First Baptist Church | 651-437-3965 | 800 Vermillion St | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Hope Lutheran Church Lcms | 651-480-2273 | 1046 5th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Life Tabernacle | 651-437-3988 | 719 Vermillion St | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Living Word Assembly of God Church | 651-437-6477 | 1153 14th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
New Life Evangelical Free Church | 651-437-1545 | 11245 Point Douglas Dr S | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church | 651-437-7010 | 1450 4th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Agatha Catholic Church | 651-437-7498 | 3700 160th St E | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church | 651-437-5528 | 302 8th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish | 651-437-4254 | 2035 15th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Elizabeth Ann Seton School | 651-437-3098 | 220 4th St E | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Luke's Episcopal Church | 651-437-9855 | 615 Vermillion St | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
St Mary Episcopal Church | 651-436-1872 | 8435 Saint Croix Trl S | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
United Methodist Church of Hastings | 651-437-4398 | 615 15th St W | Hastings | MN | 55033 |
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