Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saint Paul, MN 55118
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saint Paul MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Augustana Lutheran Church Elca | 651-457-3373 | 1400 Robert St S | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Baha'i Faith | 651-455-7169 | 1680 Bellows St | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 651-450-9575 | 2100 Delaware Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Community of Christ the Redeemer | 651-451-6114 | 110 Crusader Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Crown of Life Lutheran Church and Scho | 651-451-3832 | 115 Crusader Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 651-457-5686 | 1530 Oakdale Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Iglesia Apostolica | 651-224-5046 | 199 Annapolis St W | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Korean Hope Presbyterian Ch | 651-456-9870 | 680 Highway 110 | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Oakdale Community Church | 651-457-3866 | 1066 Carrie St | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Riverview Baptist Church | 651-457-3831 | 14 Moreland Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church of Mendo | 651-452-1384 | 1960 Lexington Ave S | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Saint James Lutheran Church | 651-457-9232 | 460 Annapolis St E | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Salem Lutheran Church Elca | 651-457-6661 | 11 Bernard St E | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 651-405-3186 | 720 Linden St Apt 213 | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 651-452-5683 | 700 Wesley Ln | Saint Paul | MN | 55118 |
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