Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Lakeville, MN 55044
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Lakeville MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aarbor Homes | 952-898-2377 | 10579 165th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Above All Construction | 952-891-8802 | 7764 170th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Allied Building Contractors | 952-435-3959 | 17692 Isleton Ct | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
American Prairie Homes | 952-469-2009 | 7785 218th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Appro Development Inc | 952-469-2171 | 21476 Grenada Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
College City Homes | 952-469-6900 | 7920 Lakeville Blvd | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Contractors Capitol Inc | 952-898-3400 | 17316 Kenyon Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Cuddigan Custom Builders | 952-469-1611 | 22133 Logan Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Dahle Bros Inc | 952-435-1900 | 17595 Kenwood Trl Ste 290 | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Daymar Construction | 952-985-5477 | 11300 235th St E | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Friedges Contracting Co | 952-469-2121 | 21980 Kenrick Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Gene's of Apple Valley Construction | 952-892-0060 | 17660 Kettering Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Houston Ron Construction in | 952-461-2121 | 8100 228th St E | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
J Campbell Construction Inc | 952-985-5260 | 21017 Heron Way | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lundgren Bros | 952-435-2022 | 18466 Landcaster Rd | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
M R Hebert & Associates | 952-461-4195 | 23300 Grandview Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
M W Johnson Construction | 952-892-5200 | 17645 Juniper Path | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Magnum Construction Co | 952-461-4540 | 9740 230th St E | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Maurer Thomas J Construction | 952-469-6568 | 21225 Hamburg Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Orchard Meadows Club Homes | 952-435-2702 | 18519 Orchard Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Pahl & Associates | 952-469-2655 | 23081 Woodland Rd | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Pietsch Builders | 952-898-3044 | 10633 165th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Precision Builders Inc | 952-985-0991 | 20701 Hampshire Way | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Robert McNearney Custom Home | 952-985-0965 | 21039 Heron Way | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Town & Country Homes Springbrook | 952-469-9773 | 20447 Kensfield Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
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