Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Lakeville, MN 55044
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Lakeville MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Catholic School | 952-469-3332 | 19795 Holyoke Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Century Jr High School | 952-469-6101 | 18610 Ipava Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Cherry View Elementary School | 952-469-7232 | 8600 175th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Christina Huddleston Elementary Scho | 952-469-7282 | 9569 175th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Crystal Lake Elementary | 952-469-7302 | 16250 Ipava Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Eastview Elementary | 952-469-7642 | 18060 Ipava Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
John F Kennedy Elementary Scho | 952-469-7251 | 21240 Holyoke Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Kenwood Trail Junior High | 952-469-7152 | 19455 Kenwood Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lake Marion Elementary | 952-469-7182 | 19875 Dodd Blvd | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeview Elementary | 952-469-7261 | 20500 Jacquard Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeville Public Schools | 952-469-7100 | 8670 210th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeville School District 194 | 952-469-6301 | 8640 165th St W | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeville School District 194 | 952-469-7202 | 21220 Holyoke Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeville School District 194 | 952-469-7352 | 19600 Ipava Ave | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
Lakeville School District 194 | 952-469-7322 | 16531 Klamath Trl | Lakeville | MN | 55044 |
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