Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55407
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asbury United Methodist Church | 612-721-5025 | 4501 Bloomington Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church | 612-724-3693 | 4120 17th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Book of Acts Church Int'l | 612-823-3740 | 3901 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Division of Indian Work Greatermpls Cnc | 612-722-8722 | 1001 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Ebenezer Lutheran Church Lutheran | 612-722-0157 | 1830 E 41st St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
El Miragro the Miracle | 612-721-5021 | 3751 17th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Franciscan Sisters | 612-822-2623 | 3228 Portland Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church Missouri | 612-722-1000 | 1708 E Minnehaha Pkwy | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church Missouri | 612-722-1083 | 1720 E Minnehaha Pkwy | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Ch | 612-721-4463 | 1620 E 46th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Chrch | 612-722-4622 | 3152 17th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Lebanon Lutheran Church | 612-729-7356 | 2014 E 36th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Longfellow Gospel Chapel | 612-729-2728 | 3012 Longfellow Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 612-827-5919 | 3045 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Oakland Av United Methodist Churc | 612-823-4483 | 4405 Oakland Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Oliver Presbyterian Church | 612-722-9519 | 2647 Bloomington Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Open Door House of Prayer | 612-879-9099 | 615 E 28th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Park Av United Methodist Churc | 612-825-6863 | 3400 Park Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Powderhorn Pk Baptist Church | 612-721-3735 | 1628 E 33rd St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Salvation Army | 612-721-1513 | 1604 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Seven Star Missionary Baptist Church | 612-825-2202 | 3900 10th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Spirit of the Lakes United Church O | 612-724-2313 | 2930 13th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 612-724-3862 | 2742 15th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Total Victory Christian Center | 612-825-0001 | 3100 Columbus Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Vine Evangelical Church | 612-722-3316 | 3244 22nd Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Word of Grace Baptist Church | 612-721-6271 | 2120 E 38th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
Worldwide Outreach for Christ Ministri | 612-824-1774 | 3808 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55407 |
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