Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55408
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aldrich Avenue Presbyterian Ch | 612-825-2479 | 3501 Aldrich Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Calvary Baptist Church Abc | 612-870-6118 | 2608 Blaisdell Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Church of New Life Christian Minis | 612-823-6822 | 3536 Nicollet Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 'ca' | 612-927-8849 | 48th St & France Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Grace Trinity Community Church | 612-872-8266 | 1430 W 28th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Joyce United Methodist Church | 612-825-4431 | 3041 Fremont Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Joyce United Methodist Church | 612-822-5288 | 1219 W 31st St | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Lyndale Congrtnl United Church of Chris | 612-825-3019 | 810 W 31st St | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
New Creation Bible Church | 612-822-6005 | 3100 Grand Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Simpson Housing Services | 612-874-8683 | 2740 1st Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church | 612-824-1017 | 128 W 33rd St | Minneapolis | MN | 55408 |
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