Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55414
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Campus Crusade for Christ Campus M | 612-379-2443 | 1120 5th St SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Christian Church Maranatha | 612-378-7571 | 2800 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 612-623-0512 | 1205 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
First Congregational Church of Minne | 612-331-3816 | 500 8th Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
French Church | 612-379-2259 | 1 Lourdes Pl | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Grace University Lutheran Church | 612-331-8125 | 324 Harvard St SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
H S A-U W C | 612-378-1416 | 1000 5th St SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Hillel Foundation of B'nai B'rith | 612-379-4026 | 1521 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Hope Credit Union Office | 612-331-5988 | 601 13th Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Maclaurin Institute | 612-378-1935 | 2221 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Maranatha Christian Church Pastors | 612-378-2299 | 315 10th Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
On Fire Ministries | 612-522-7541 | 331 17th Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Southeast Christian Church | 612-331-2868 | 960 15th Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Spirit United Interfaith Chur | 612-378-3602 | 3204 Como Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
Stadium Village Church | 612-331-1632 | 501 Oak St SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
University Baptist Church | 612-331-1768 | 1219 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
University Lutheran Center Lcms | 612-331-2747 | 1101 University Ave SE | Minneapolis | MN | 55414 |
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