Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55417
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Diamond Lake Lutheran Church | 612-866-2579 | 5760 Portland Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Edgewater Baptist Church | 612-827-3803 | 5501 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Edgewater Emmanuel United Methodis | 612-827-4627 | 5144 13th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Epiphany Lutheran Church 'elca' | 612-823-7879 | 1414 E 48th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Faith Evang Lutheran Church Mo | 612-729-8542 | 5101 36th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Faith Evang Lutheran Church Mo | 612-729-5463 | 3430 E 51st St | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
First Evangelical Free Church | 612-827-4705 | 5150 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Lake Nokomis Luth Church Elca | 612-729-2323 | 5011 31st Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Church | 612-721-6231 | 3701 E 50th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Mount Zion Christian Nursery School | 612-824-1882 | 5645 Chicago Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church | 612-825-6846 | 5300 10th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Providence Reformed Baptist Church | 612-821-2044 | 1010 E 58th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Saint James Lutheran Church | 612-824-8828 | 4854 Portland Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
Trinity Lutheran Church of Mhaha Falls | 612-724-3691 | 5212 41st Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55417 |
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