Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Minneapolis, MN 55430
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Lutheran Church North | 763-560-9426 | 6630 Colfax Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Brooklyn Center Church of Christ | 763-561-6313 | 6206 Lilac Dr N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Church of All Nations | 763-503-2600 | 5840 Humboldt Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 763-566-6813 | 5840 Lilac Dr N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Good Shepherd Fellowship | 763-569-0601 | 6900 Humboldt Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Harron United Methodist Church | 763-566-2780 | 5452 Dupont Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 612-374-8731 | 5717 Bryant Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Hmong Community Alliance Church | 763-585-9038 | 6240 Aldrich Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 612-521-3547 | 5200 Emerson Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Lds Family Services | 763-560-0900 | 6120 Earle Brown Dr Ste 210 | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Lutheran Church of the Master Elca | 763-561-5852 | 1200 69th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Lutheran Church of the Triune God | 763-561-6470 | 5827 Humboldt Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Moving on Up Church | 763-585-9274 | 6836 Humboldt Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church | 612-529-9186 | 5100 James Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55430 |
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