Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Minneapolis, MN 55428
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Edgewood Elementary School | 763-533-2441 | 6601 Xylon Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Family Resources at Thorson | 763-504-7680 | 7323 58th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Forest Elementary School | 763-504-7900 | 6800 47th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
H & R Block | 763-537-7185 | 149 Willow Bnd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Highview Alternative Program | 763-504-8700 | 4701 Zealand Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Independent School District No 281 | 763-504-8500 | 8230 47th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Independent School District No Rbb | 763-504-8600 | 8301 47th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Independent School District No Rbb | 763-504-7700 | 8525 62nd Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Intermediate District 287 | 763-504-8446 | 5530 Zealand Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Lincoln School | 763-504-7780 | 6200 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Living Word Bible Institute | 763-315-7201 | 9201 75th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Minneapolis Drafting School | 763-535-3000 | 5700 W Broadway Ave Ste 200 | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-391-8890 | 7300 Boone Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-561-6870 | 7400 Hampshire Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Robbinsdale Area Schools Indeped | 763-504-8300 | 7940 55th Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Spa A School | 763-504-2772 | 4411 Winnetka Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
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