Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Osseo, MN 55369
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Osseo MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cedar Island Elementary School | 763-425-5855 | 6777 Hemlock Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Elm Creek Elementary School | 763-425-0577 | 9830 Revere Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Fernbrook Elementary School | 763-420-8888 | 9661 Fernbrook Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Maple Grove Junior High School | 763-315-7600 | 7000 Hemlock Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Maple Grove Senior High School | 763-391-8700 | 9800 Fernbrook Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Northwest Integration School District | 763-420-3014 | 11275 96th Ave N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Oakview Elementary School | 763-425-1881 | 6710 E Fish Lake Rd | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-391-8500 | 317 2nd Ave NW | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-425-2024 | 324 6th Ave SE | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-420-4220 | 13755 89th Ave N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-391-8800 | 10223 93rd Ave N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-391-7000 | 11200 93rd Ave N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-315-7470 | 11435 96th Ave N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
Osseo Area Schools | 763-391-8776 | 9401 Fernbrook Ln N | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
St Michael Albertville Public Schools | 763-497-8025 | 13470 Frankfort Pkwy NE | Osseo | MN | 55369 |
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