Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55406
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Birchwood Cafe | 612-722-4474 | 3311 E 25th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Bridgeman's the Original Ice CR | 612-721-6433 | 4010 Nawadaha Blvd | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Burger King | 612-729-9559 | 4605 Hiawatha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Cafe of the Americas | 612-276-0803 | 3019 Minnehaha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Craftsman Restaurant The | 612-722-0175 | 4300 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Daalo Restaurant | 612-724-7500 | 2751 Minnehaha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Dashen Restaurant and Bar | 612-724-8868 | 2713 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Dragon City Cafe | 612-721-6626 | 4301 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Hop Wong Restaurant | 612-721-1750 | 2913 27th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Kong's Restaurant | 612-722-2486 | 2910 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Lake Street Garage | 612-729-8820 | 3508 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 612-729-4417 | 4121 Hiawatha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
McDonalds | 612-722-7914 | 3110 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Midori's Floating World Cafe | 612-721-3011 | 3011 27th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Milio's Sandwiches | 612-343-4343 | 2620 E Franklin Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Ming's Palace | 612-724-8883 | 4004 Minnehaha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Poodle The | 612-722-1377 | 3001 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Rail Station Bar & Grill | 612-729-9635 | 3675 Minnehaha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salad Shops | 612-721-7534 | 4741 Hiawatha Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Super Grand Buffet | 612-276-1399 | 2852 26th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Sweet Lorraines American & Mexi | 612-728-0426 | 2403 E 38th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 612-724-5100 | 4020 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Ted Cook's 19th Hole Barbeque | 612-721-2023 | 2814 E 38th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 612-722-6403 | 2931 26th Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
White Castle System | 612-724-0155 | 3600 E Lake St | Minneapolis | MN | 55406 |
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