Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55423
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Restaurants | 612-866-3408 | I 494 & Portland Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Backyard Bar and Grill The | 612-798-0002 | 1500 E 78th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Bakers Square Restaurant & Pi | 612-861-7471 | 3000 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Bridgeman's the Original Ice CR | 612-861-7417 | 800 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Burger King Restaurants | 612-861-3920 | 140 E 78th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Burger King Restaurants | 612-866-5292 | 96 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Burger King Restaurants | 612-869-1008 | 2800 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Cali's Express | 612-861-9901 | 6637 Penn Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Champp's | 612-861-3333 | 790 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Chelsea's Cafe | 612-243-1515 | 2 Meridian Xing | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Chipotle Mexican Grill | 612-866-0304 | 7644 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Dairy Queen Brazier | 612-869-4250 | 7533 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Don Pablo's Mexican Kitchen | 612-861-9686 | 980 W 78th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Embers America | 612-866-4411 | 7700 Nicollet Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Frenchman's | 612-866-0318 | 1400 E 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Hometown Buffet | 612-869-1240 | 9 E 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Hope's Chow Mein | 612-866-4981 | 6700 Penn Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 612-866-5288 | 220 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Ketsana's Thai Restaurant | 612-869-0087 | 7545 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Khan's Mongolian Barbeque | 612-861-7991 | 500 E 78th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Leeann Chin Cuisine | 612-861-7402 | 6420 Nicollet Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 612-866-2086 | 6645 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Morelos Mex-Grill | 612-243-9699 | 2 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Puhket Thai Restaurant | 612-861-2491 | 6345 Penn Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Substance Llc | 612-869-6060 | 6600 Lyndale Ave S Apt 304 | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 612-869-5131 | 2208 W 66th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Vina Vietnamese Restaurant | 612-866-5034 | 6401 Nicollet Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 612-869-0994 | 6500 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55423 |
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