Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN 55428
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 763-566-1003 | Highway 100 & Brookl | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 763-533-1870 | 4203 Winnetka Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Arby's Restaurants | 763-535-5969 | 5629 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Beach House Bar & Grill | 763-566-6700 | 6900 Lakeland Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Burger King | 763-533-6238 | 5358 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Chipotle Mexican Grill Store 0514 | 763-315-5936 | 7631 Jolly Ln | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Eggies North | 763-537-8719 | 6418 Bass Lake Rd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
El Loro Mexican Restaurant | 763-537-9688 | 99 Willow Bnd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Hometown Buffet | 763-536-0003 | 5526 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Hong Kong Buffet | 763-531-9489 | 4211 Winnetka Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Jin's Chow Mein | 763-537-7812 | 129 Willow Bnd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 763-533-0334 | 6817 Bass Lake Rd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
McDonald's | 763-425-4240 | 7685 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 763-533-8150 | 5400 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
McDonalds Restaurant of New Hope | 763-533-5066 | 4201 Winnetka Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Northland Inn Hotel & Conference Cent | 763-536-8300 | 7025 Northland Dr N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Perkins Family Restaurant | 763-533-1313 | 5420 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Roly Poly | 763-533-0377 | 121 Willow Bnd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Royal Buffet | 763-536-9797 | 7112 Bass Lake Rd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Skateland Skate Center North | 763-425-5858 | 7308 Lakeland Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 763-533-5171 | 5557 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 763-537-4737 | 7100 Bass Lake Rd | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Timber Lodge Steakhouse | 763-533-3400 | 5632 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Wagner's Drive-In North | 763-533-8262 | 7000 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 763-566-5744 | 7007 Lakeland Ave N | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 763-533-2562 | 5440 W Broadway Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55428 |
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