Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Minneapolis, MN 55403
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Minneapolis MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
African Market | 612-872-1011 | 1817 Nicollet Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
American Refugee Committee | 612-872-7060 | 430 Oak Grove St Ste 204 | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Amicus Inc | 612-348-8570 | 100 N 6th St Ste 529B | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Archdale Apartments | 612-879-0661 | 1600 1st Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Art Buddies | 612-334-6004 | 800 Hennepin Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Catholic Charities of the Archdof St | 612-664-8500 | 1200 2nd Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Commercial Products Vh Industries | 612-871-2222 | 1936 Lyndale Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Episcopal Community Services | 612-874-8823 | 1730 Clifton Pl | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Family Resource Center | 612-813-5600 | 519 Oak Grove St | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Loaves and Fishes Too | 612-377-9810 | 1917 Logan Ave S | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Minneapolis Youth Diversion Progr | 612-252-1200 | 41 N 12th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Nonviolent Peaceforce | 612-871-0005 | 425 Oak Grove St | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
People Inc | 612-870-3787 | 245 Clifton Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Plymouth Church Neighborghood | 612-871-0890 | 1 E 19th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Salvation Army | 612-338-0113 | 1010 Currie Ave | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Salvation Army | 612-338-6313 | 1421 Yale Pl Ofc | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
Volunteers of America of Minnesota | 612-870-4300 | 143 E 19th St | Minneapolis | MN | 55403 |
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