Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rochester, MN 55901
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rochester MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Community Church | 507-289-4179 | 3157 Kenosha Dr NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Bethany Church | 507-289-0311 | 1835 19th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Bethany United Methodist Churc | 507-282-9198 | 2016 19th St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Bible Baptist Church | 507-288-8866 | 5930 Bandel Rd NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Bible Baptist Church | 507-529-7609 | 6120 Bandel Rd NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Brushaber Paul Pastor | 507-282-5569 | 4400 55th St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Christian Science Society | 507-282-0586 | 1723 1st St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Community Presbyterian Church Pcusa | 507-280-9291 | 3705 55th St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 507-289-7244 | 2911 18th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Family of Faith Church | 507-288-3703 | 3240 40th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Clba | 507-282-1121 | 2204 22nd St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Gideons International | 507-280-9272 | 2929 Century Hills Ct NE | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Grace Chapel Foursquare Church | 507-281-4720 | 321 36th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 507-289-1354 | 2703 9th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Hosanna Lutheran Church Elca | 507-285-0092 | 2815 57th St NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Lighthouse Family Church | 507-288-2591 | 1225 Elton Hills Dr NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Mount Olive Lutheran Church Elca | 507-288-1580 | 2830 18th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Oasis Church | 507-289-8596 | 18 Avenue & 38 St | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Pax Chrisit Church | 507-282-8542 | 4135 18th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Precious Lambs Preschool | 507-282-8280 | 4520 19th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Rochester Community Baptist Church | 507-288-8706 | 11 Saint & 6 Ave SE | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
Southeastern Minnesota Synod Elca | 507-280-9457 | 1001 14th St NW Ste 300 | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
The Church in Rochester | 507-289-9021 | 2705 18th Ave NW | Rochester | MN | 55901 |
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