Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rochester, MN 55902
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rochester MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Holiness Church | 507-288-9546 | 306 21st St SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 507-289-4019 | 400 5th Ave SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Congregational Church Ucc | 507-289-4581 | 965 17th Ave SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
First Baptist Church | 507-288-8880 | 415 16th St SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
First Presbyterian Church | 507-282-1618 | 512 3rd St SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
First Unitarian Universalist Ch | 507-282-5209 | 1727 Walden Ln SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Elca | 507-289-1748 | 559 20th St SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
People of Hope | 507-280-9766 | 3703 Country Club Rd SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Rochester Church of Christ Acappell | 507-289-5036 | 632 2nd St SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Salem Road Covenant Church | 507-288-9601 | 3401 Salem Rd SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 507-289-1531 | 222 6th Ave SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
Zumbro Lutheran Church | 507-288-2649 | 624 3rd Ave SW | Rochester | MN | 55902 |
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