Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Rochester, MN 55904
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Rochester MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Azteca Mexican Restaurant | 507-281-0121 | 18 9th Ave SE | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Brothers Bar & Grill | 507-281-8902 | 812 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Culver's South Broadway | 507-529-5052 | 36 28th St SE | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Denny's Restaurant | 507-288-6482 | 1226 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
El Carambas | 507-281-3104 | 1503 Highway 14 E | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Holiday Inn-South | 507-288-1844 | 1630 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 507-288-6200 | 717 12th St SE | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Lebanese & Deli Place | 507-536-9578 | 111 S Broadway Ste 310 | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Michael's Restaurant & Lounge | 507-288-2020 | 15 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Perkins Restaurants South | 507-288-9400 | 1818 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 507-287-9710 | 195 S Broadway | Rochester | MN | 55904 |
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