Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saint Paul, MN 55101
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saint Paul MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Park United Methodist Churc | 651-291-1371 | 639 Jackson St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 651-224-4728 | 500 Cedar St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 651-484-8684 | 2335 Edgerton Ltl St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Contender for the Faith Church | 651-771-2237 | 580 Case Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Damascus Road Partners | 651-224-5933 | 444 Cedar St Ste 555 | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
East Immanuel Lutheran Church | 651-776-2358 | 1173 Payne Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Faith Baptist Church | 651-771-8382 | 296 Cottage Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Faith Baptist Church | 651-771-5567 | 1365 Westminster St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 651-227-5299 | Charles Avenue & Mac | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
First Baptist Church of St Paul | 651-222-0718 | 9th & Wacouta | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
House of Mercy | 651-298-0858 | 499 Wacouta St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Maryland Bible Chapel | 651-776-6393 | 606 Maryland Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Mount Olive Lutheran Church 'wesynod | 651-645-2575 | N Pascal & Almond Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 651-772-4080 | 711 Bradley St | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Peace Lutheran Church Lauderdale Elca | 651-644-5440 | Walnut & Ione | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
Shepherd of the Hills Ev Luth Ch Wels | 651-451-3637 | 7030 Bovey Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
St John Evan Lutheran Church | 651-771-2298 | Margaret & Hope | Saint Paul | MN | 55101 |
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