Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Saint Paul, MN 55109
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Saint Paul MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acapulco Mxn Resrnt | 651-748-0316 | 3069 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 651-770-0604 | 2112 Maplewood Mall | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Arby's Restaurants | 651-779-6910 | Food Ct | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Arby's Roast Beef Sandwich Restau | 651-777-8152 | 3109 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Bakers Square Restaurant & Pi | 651-770-9070 | 3088 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Bleechers | 651-777-7897 | 2220 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Boca Chica Taco House | 651-251-0752 | 1706 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Chili's Grill & Bar | 651-773-9501 | 1800 Beam Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Denny's Restaurant | 651-777-6497 | 3050 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Embers | 651-484-8489 | 1200 Highway 36 E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Great Moon Buffet | 651-704-9801 | 2950 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Guldens 61 Restaurant & Bar | 651-482-0384 | 2999 Maplewood Dr | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 651-777-4495 | 1938 Beam Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
McDonald's Restaurant #3117 | 651-777-3949 | 1797 Cope Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
McDonald's Restaurants #12574 | 651-777-9408 | 2935 Southlawn Dr | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Noodles & Company | 651-748-1144 | 2865 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
North St Paul Tap and Grill | 651-255-2834 | 2379 McKnight Rd N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Outback Steakhouse | 651-748-0661 | 1770 Beam Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Perkins Restaurant | 651-777-2423 | 2009 County Road D E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Perkins Restaurant | 651-770-6540 | 1829 N Saint Paul Rd | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Red King Foods | 651-779-6621 | 2440 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 651-770-8825 | 2925 White Bear Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Roddy's Bar & Grill | 651-779-8684 | 2541 7th Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Smiley's D G Burgers | 651-482-8713 | 2425 Maplewood Dr | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Taco Bell Restaurants | 651-777-0205 | 1965 County Road D E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Taco Johns | 651-770-0913 | 2201 11th Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Taste of India | 651-773-5477 | 1745 Cope Ave E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 651-779-9622 | 1975 County Road D E | Saint Paul | MN | 55109 |
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