Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Saint Paul, MN 55104
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Saint Paul MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alternatives To Violence Projec | 651-644-5851 | 1050 Selby Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Asian Women United of Minnesota | 651-646-2118 | 1954 University Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Breaking Free | 651-645-6557 | 1821 University Ave W Ste S216 | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Catholic Charities of the Archdof St | 651-603-0251 | 1276 University Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Community Solutions Fund | 651-647-0440 | 1619 Dayton Ave Ste 323 | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Community Stabilization | 651-225-8778 | 801 Selby Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
District Councils | 651-228-1855 | 627 Selby Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Goodwill Easter Seals | 651-379-5800 | 553 Fairview Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Hamline Midway Coalition | 651-646-1986 | 1564 Lafond Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Hepatitis B Coalition | 651-647-9131 | 1573 Selby Ave Ste 234 | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
La Oportunidad Inc | 651-646-6115 | 1821 University Ave W Ste N494 | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Lexington Hamline Community Counc | 651-645-3207 | 1221 Marshall Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Lifetrack Resources Inc | 651-227-8471 | 709 University Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Loft Teen Center The | 651-644-3311 | 1063 Iglehart Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Lutheran Social Service | 651-644-7739 | 501 Asbury St | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota | 651-644-3446 | 503 Asbury St | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Our House of Minnesota Inc | 651-644-2411 | 1846 Portland Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Public Housing Agency of the City of | 651-647-9133 | 777 Hamline Ave N | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Reentry Services Inc | 651-644-1951 | 444 Lynnhurst Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
St Paul Intervention Program | 651-645-2824 | 1509 Marshall Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Vietnamese Social Service | 651-644-1317 | 1159 University Ave W | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Voa Ashland | 651-644-2514 | 1436 Ashland Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Volunteers of America Stevencroft II | 651-644-0577 | 1536 Portland Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Wilder Foundation Amherst H | 651-287-2400 | 919 Lafond Ave | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Wilder Foundation Amherst H | 651-488-5531 | 750 Milton St N Ofc | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Wilder Foundation Amherst H | 651-646-5256 | 545 Snelling Ave N Ofc | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
Youth Express The | 651-659-0613 | 168 Griggs St N | Saint Paul | MN | 55104 |
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