Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Duluth, MN 55802
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Duluth MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Point Community Church | 218-625-6200 | 738 E Superior St | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Bethany Lutheran Church Pastorstudy | 218-722-8120 | 23 Avenue W & 3 St | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Christian Science Reading Rm | 218-722-9379 | Holiday Ctr | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
First Lutheran Church Elca | 218-728-3668 | 1100 E Superior St | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Great Lakes Gospel Church | 218-727-7013 | 24 Avenue W & 5 St | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Independant Apostolic Lutheran Church | 218-729-6361 | 6273 Highway 2 | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd | 218-525-1922 | 45th Avenue E & Colo | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
Northeastern Minnesota Synod Elca | 218-724-4424 | 1105 E Superior St | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
United Protestant Church Ucc | 218-626-2570 | 88th Avenue W & Arbr | Duluth | MN | 55802 |
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