Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Antiques in Stillwater, MN 55082
* Each listing below of Antiques Information for Stillwater MN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Gothic Antiques | 651-439-7709 | 236 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Anderson Jay Antiques | 651-430-1303 | National Guard Armor | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Chelsea Rose Antiques | 651-351-3167 | 208 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Cockadoodle Doo | 651-689-0029 | 204 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Country Charm Antiques | 651-439-8202 | 124 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Days of Yore Antiques | 651-439-3889 | 119 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Gabrielle A Gallery of Fine Antiques | 651-439-5930 | 114 Main St N | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Kmitsch Girls | 651-430-1827 | 214 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Let There Be Light Antiques | 651-351-7580 | 210 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Midtown Antique Furniture Galle | 651-430-0808 | 301 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Stillwater Antiques | 651-439-6281 | 101 Main St S | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
Willoughby's Arts & Antiques | 651-275-1533 | 224 Chestnut St E | Stillwater | MN | 55082 |
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