Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, MO 65201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly of God-First | 573-443-3626 | 1100 N 7th St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Baptist Student Center Offices | 573-449-3843 | 812 Hitt St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 573-499-4710 | 1005 Cherry St Ste 218 | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Campus Lutheran Church Lcms | 573-442-5942 | 304 S College Ave | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Chapel in the Woods | 573-474-3285 | 4802 E Saint Charles Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Christian Campus House | 573-442-6443 | 700 S College Ave | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Christian Church | 573-442-7713 | 401 N 5th St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Columbia Chinese Christian Churc | 573-442-3957 | 3316 S Rock Quarry Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Eastside Church of Christ | 573-449-7131 | 1510 Audubon Dr | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Family Worship Center Academy | 573-441-1140 | 4925 E Bonne Femme Church R | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
First Christian Church | 573-449-7265 | 101 N 10th St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 573-442-1164 | 16 Hitt St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 573-443-3750 | 100 Hitt St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Grace Bible Church | 573-449-6794 | 1322 Paris Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Little Bonne Femme Baptist | 573-874-2751 | 802 N Ann St | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Log Providence Church | 573-442-4914 | 4500 E Log Providence Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Memorial Baptist Church | 573-443-1408 | 1634 Paris Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
New Horizons United Methodist Churc | 573-443-7058 | 1020 S El Chaparral Ave | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Open Door Baptist Church | 573-499-0705 | 4838 Meadow Lark Ln | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Prairie Grove Baptist Church | 573-474-5106 | 860 NE Park Ln | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Second Baptist Church | 573-449-4703 | 407 E Broadway | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
St Paul A M E Church | 573-449-5823 | 501 Park Ave | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Sugar Grove Baptist Church | 573-449-1629 | 5400 E Sugar Grove Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
United Community Cathedral | 573-449-0340 | 5210 S Cowan Rd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
Wilkes Blvd United Methodist Churc | 573-449-4363 | 702 Wilkes Blvd | Columbia | MO | 65201 |
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