Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Columbia, MO 65203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Columbia MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alive in Christ | 573-499-0443 | 201 Southampton Dr | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Benedictine Sisters | 573-446-2300 | 3710 W Broadway | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 573-445-7414 | 1703 W Worley St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Bethel Church | 573-442-4775 | 201 E Old Plank Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 573-449-3144 | 606 Ridgeway Ave | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Christian Fellowship | 573-445-8561 | 4600 Christian Fellowship | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Christian Science Church & Readin | 573-442-0800 | 800 W Broadway | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Church of the Covenant | 573-815-9838 | 1105 Madison St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Columbia Lutheran Association of | 573-445-5878 | 2201 W Rollins Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Community United Methodist Churc | 573-445-7329 | 315 Loch Ln | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Congregation Beth Shalom | 573-499-4855 | 500 W Green Meadows Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 573-443-8833 | 20 E Green Meadows Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Crossing The | 573-256-4410 | 204 Peach Way Ste D | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Evangelical Free Church of Columbia | 573-445-7206 | 600 Silvey St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Fairview Road Church of Christ | 573-445-2213 | 201 S Fairview Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Fairview United Methodist Churc | 573-445-5391 | 3200 Chapel Hill Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Firehouse | 573-874-2347 | 600 Business Loop 70 W | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Forum Boulevard Christian Churc | 573-443-3900 | 3900 Forum Blvd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Gideons International | 573-499-9160 | 1008 Hardin St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Imani Misson Center Community of Ch | 573-449-9625 | 7 E Ash St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Interfaith Center | 573-234-1001 | 4006 W Broadway | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Jumping Jacks II | 573-443-6028 | 108 E Ash St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Mt Celestial Baptist Church | 573-445-4318 | 1410 Grand Ave | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish | 573-445-7915 | 903 Bernadette Dr | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Progressive Missionary Baptist Church | 573-443-0611 | 702 Banks Ave | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Rejoice Free Will Baptist Church | 573-447-1685 | 1900 Chapel Hill Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Rock Bridge Christian Church | 573-442-4677 | 301 Green Meadows Cir | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
St Andrew's Lutheran Church Elca | 573-449-5674 | 914 West Blvd S | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
St Luke United Methodist Churc | 573-443-5423 | 204 E Ash St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 573-445-4469 | 1600 W Rollins Rd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
United Pentecostal Church | 573-442-4121 | 211 Benton St | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
Woodcrest Chapel | 573-445-1131 | 2201 W Nifong Blvd | Columbia | MO | 65203 |
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