Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Columbia, MO 65202
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Columbia MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blue Ridge Elementary School | 573-214-3580 | 2801 Leeway Dr | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-474-9473 | 3511 Clark Ln | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3270 | 4000 Derby Ridge Dr | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3540 | 8130 Highway 40 W | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3560 | 5450 N Route Z | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3220 | 3405 Oakland Pl | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3630 | 111 Parkade Blvd | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3250 | 2201 Smiley Ln | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Columbia School District | 573-214-3955 | 555 Vandiver Dr | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
Missouri State of | 573-442-6482 | 108 W Craig St | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
New Traditions | 573-884-4074 | 1500 Vandiver Dr Ste 109 | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
University of Missouri Columbia | 573-882-2883 | 2316 Industrial Dr | Columbia | MO | 65202 |
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