Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belton, MO 64012
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belton MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Belton Free Will Baptist Church | 816-331-1932 | 215 Mill St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Belton Presbyterian Church | 816-331-4733 | 122 Main St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Belvidere Heights Baptist Church | 816-331-0415 | 15109 White Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Bible Baptist Church of Raymore | 816-322-0207 | 414 S Franklin St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Blue River Bible Church | 816-331-3700 | 15608 Fairchild Dr | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 816-318-8085 | 15800 Calvary Rd | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Church of Christ Belton | 816-331-6596 | 112 Hawthorne Ct | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Church of Christ Belton | 816-331-1811 | 103 Myron Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 816-318-0116 | 904 S Madison | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Crossroads United Methodist Churc | 816-331-5258 | 700 Quick Trip Way | Belton | MO | 64012 |
El-Bethel Baptist Church | 816-331-2408 | 709 Herschel St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
First Baptist Church of Raymore | 816-331-3469 | 58 Highway & Washington | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Jesus Only Apostolic Church Inc | 816-331-6445 | 6503 E 155th St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Lifequest Community Church | 816-318-4673 | 801 N Scott Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Lighthouse Ministry Fellowship | 816-322-5111 | 622 2nd St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Lord of Love Lutheran Church | 816-331-5465 | 8306 E 171st St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
New Hope Christian Church | 816-331-3633 | 18809 S State Route Y | Belton | MO | 64012 |
New Horizons Church of the Nazarene | 816-331-3442 | 17200 Chestnut Dr | Belton | MO | 64012 |
New Life Christian Center | 816-322-9375 | 811 S Cleveland Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
New Life Community Church of Sokc | 816-318-3623 | 16111 Vicie Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Open Door Bible Church | 816-322-0722 | PO Box 997 | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Pleasant Prairie Baptist Church | 816-331-7334 | 5702 E 215th St | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Raymore Assembly of God | 816-331-3319 | 105 Monroe Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Raymore Presbyterian Church | 816-331-6166 | 204 S Jefferson | Belton | MO | 64012 |
South Haven Baptist Church | 816-322-0409 | 16800 Bel Ray Blvd | Belton | MO | 64012 |
Southland Baptist Church | 816-322-4300 | 16205 Vicie Ave | Belton | MO | 64012 |
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