Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Harrisonville, MO 64701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Harrisonville MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Southern Baptist Church | 816-884-5324 | 2601 E Mechanic St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Berea Church of God in Christ | 816-884-2349 | 806 E Pine St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Cedar Ridge Evangelical Free Church | 816-887-2955 | 27900 S State Route 7 S | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Church of Christ | 816-884-5514 | Highway 2 E | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Church of Christ Harrisonville | 816-887-5857 | Highway 7 S | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Church of the Nazarene | 816-884-4604 | 2305 E South St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Church of the Nazarene | 816-380-4604 | 1303 Meadow Dr | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Church on the Rock Harrisonville | 816-380-2428 | 27712 SW Outer Rd | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Community of Christ | 816-884-4492 | 800 W South St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Cornerstone Community Church | 816-380-2422 | 1704 Waters Rd | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
East Lynne Baptist Church | 816-869-3425 | 25713 S State Route K | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Faith Baptist Church of Harrisonville | 816-884-5500 | 23705 E State Route 2 | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
First Christian Church Discipl of Chri | 816-884-4615 | 400 S Independence St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Grace Baptist Church | 816-380-2850 | 500 E Pearl St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Harrisonville Ministerial All | 816-380-3505 | 1405 S Commercial St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 816-884-5526 | 21904 E 283rd St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church | 816-380-5744 | 2700 E Mechanic St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 816-380-4800 | 2400 E Mechanic St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church | 816-884-4593 | 22500 E 299th St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Salvation Lutheran Church Ilc | 816-884-3147 | 27506 E 283rd St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
St Peter's Episcopal Church | 816-380-5666 | 400 W Wall St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
United Methodist Church | 816-540-3513 | 1205 Rice St | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
Worship Center The | 816-884-4229 | 2901 N State Route 291 | Harrisonville | MO | 64701 |
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