Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pleasant Hill MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church | 816-540-5150 | 313 Cedar St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Church of Christ | 816-540-2652 | 907 Cedar St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Family Worship Center Assembly of God | 816-987-3300 | 1210 N State Route 7 | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
First Baptist Church | 816-540-5872 | 125 N Armstrong St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
First Christian Church Discipl of Chri | 816-540-3533 | 519 Cedar St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Forest Grove Baptist Church | 816-865-3005 | 16100 S Hadsell Rd | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Hickory Grove Baptist Church | 816-540-5850 | 20000 S Hickory Grove Rd | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Hope Baptist Church | 816-540-3015 | 400 Cedar St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 816-540-4090 | 1400 Vv Hwy | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Pleasant Hill Fellowship | 816-987-2705 | 135 S 1st St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Presbyterian Church First | 816-540-6179 | 601 E Oak St | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
Salvation Lutheran Church Ilc | 816-540-6308 | 205 Breezeway Ln | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
United Methodist Church | 816-540-2072 | 1300 Lexington Rd | Pleasant Hill | MO | 64080 |
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