Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64118
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Bible Baptist Church | 816-436-1649 | 800 NE 72nd St | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Christian Communicators Worldwide | 816-453-6903 | 5001 N Oak Trfy | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Englewood Baptist Church | 816-453-0975 | 1900 NE Englewood Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Fairview Christian Church | 816-452-2829 | 1800 NE 65th St | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Gashland Presbyterian Church | 816-436-3583 | 8029 N Oak Trfy | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Gashland United Methodist Brigh | 816-436-6641 | 7715 N Oak Trfy | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Gladstone Fellowship Pentecostal Chu | 816-468-1099 | 7001 N Harrison St | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 816-452-9113 | 2003 NE Englewood Rd Side | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Linden Baptist Church | 816-436-3660 | 611 NE 69th St | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Metro Baptist Church | 816-746-8388 | 1510 NW Vivion Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Northgate Baptist Church | 816-453-4056 | 800 NE Vivion Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Northminster Presbyterian Ch | 816-453-2545 | 1441 NE Englewood Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Northside Christian Church | 816-452-5805 | 5114 NW Old Pike Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
Vivion Rd Church of Christ | 816-452-3684 | 2026 NE Vivion Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64118 |
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