Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Springfield, MO 65804
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Springfield MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abbey Road Foods | 417-831-9944 | 1307 E Montclair St | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Arde's Villa World Class Cuisine | 417-883-2550 | 2620 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
As You Like It | 417-887-7122 | 1930 S Stewart Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Boston Market | 417-886-4700 | 3757 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Burr's | 417-882-5579 | 2708 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Cafe Roswitha | 417-881-2003 | 2640 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Cartoons Oyster Bar & Grill | 417-882-5752 | 1614 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Clarion Hotel | 417-883-6550 | 3333 S Glenstone Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Clary's Restaurant | 417-886-1940 | 3014 E Sunshine St Ste A | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
D'arpino's Italian Cafe | 417-889-9898 | 3014 S National Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Haruno | 417-887-0077 | 3044 S Fremont Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Heritage Cafeteria | 417-883-3033 | 1364 E Battlefield St | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Honeybaked Ham Company | 417-886-4778 | 1416 E Battlefield St | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Nearly Famous Deli & Pasta House | 417-883-3403 | 1828 S Kentwood Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Pasta Express | 417-890-1345 | 3250 E Battlefield St Ste H | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
St George's Bbq & Catering | 417-877-0291 | 3012 S National Ave | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
The Argentina Steakhouse | 417-886-8010 | 1410 E Republic Rd | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
Zio's Italian Kitchen | 417-889-1919 | 1249 E Kingsley St | Springfield | MO | 65804 |
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