Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Springfield, MO 65806
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Springfield MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Covenant Church | 417-864-4971 | 157 Park Central Sq | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Broadway United Methodist Churc | 417-865-4374 | 545 S Broadway Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 417-863-7277 | 1021 E Walnut St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Catholic Campus Ministry | 417-865-0802 | 847 S Holland Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Catholic Center The | 417-866-0841 | 601 S Jefferson Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Christ Episcopal Church | 417-866-5133 | 601 E Walnut St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Cobb Oran Rev | 417-862-8471 | 927 S Campbell Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
College Street Baptist Church | 417-862-2112 | 2216 W College St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Covanent of Grace Christian Cente | 417-866-1125 | 713 S Newton Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
First & Calvary Presbyterian Ch | 417-862-5068 | 820 E Cherry St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
First Baptist Church of Springfield | 417-866-7202 | 525 South Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
General Baptist Church First | 417-865-4109 | 1400 W Walnut St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Pitts Chapel United Methodist Churc | 417-866-1720 | 600 N Benton Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Rainbow Christian Church | 417-866-6206 | 837 W Madison St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Smsu Christian Campus House | 417-862-8080 | 622 E Monroe St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
South Side Baptist Church | 417-869-5496 | 465 S Grant Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
St Agnes Cathedral | 417-831-3565 | 533 S Jefferson Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 417-866-4326 | 413 E Walnut St | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
Temple Baptist Church | 417-866-5045 | 845 S Fort Ave | Springfield | MO | 65806 |
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